Analogy Method of Generating Conceptual Alternatives
Define the real problem
Select an alternative problem
Easy to think about - concrete, visual
Solve the alternative problem
Solve the real problem

Generating alternatives using a close analogy
Pick an analogy that resembles the real problem
solution to analogy points to solution of main problem
Generate a few good solutions to analogy problem
Transform solutions into solutions of main problem
Reasonable, familiar method
Can use logical form of "argument from analogy"
What works for problem A will work for B
X works for A, so X will work for B
Little stimulus to creativity
Mental blocks carry over to the analogy
Danger of taking analogy too seriously
What works for problem A nay not work for B

Generating alternatives using s far-out analogy
Pick interesting, concrete, active analogy
Avoid an analogy that's too much like main problem
Avoid an analogy that participants have preconceived views about
Generate many different solutions to the analogy
They need not be GOOD solutions to the analogy!
Generate solutions to main problem by "force-fitting"
Force fit many solutions to analogy
Force fit many aspects of one analogy solution
Stimulates creativity
mental blocks do not carry over
May be unacceptable to serious-minded people
force-fit process may be especially difficult